ADMORPH Press Release
The University of Amsterdam, which is coordinating the ADMORPH project, has published today a press release for the project.
The University of Amsterdam, which is coordinating the ADMORPH project, has published today a press release for the project.
The ADMORPH kick-off meeting took place last week, on Jan 29-30, at the university of Amsterdam.
The consortium, led by the University of Amsterdam and including Thales Netherland (NL), SYSGO (FR), UTRC (IRL), Q-Media (CZ), University of Luxembourg (LU), University of Lund (SE) and FCiências.ID (PT), will explore system adaptivity as a promising technique to fuse fault- and intrusion tolerance with the increasing performance requirements of mission- and safety-critical cyber-physical systems of systems (CPSoS).
ADMORPH can now be followed on LinkedIn.